1.1 Standing Position, Posture and Face Expressions

1.1 Standing Position, Posture and Face Expressions

1.Recommended standingdistance from device:

For users 56 feet tall (1.5m1.85m) we recommend users stand about 2 feet (0.5m) from the wall.
5-22-2014 1-24-17 PM
When viewing your image on the device display window, step away if your image appears too bright.Step closer if your image appears too dark.

2. Recommended face Expressions vs.poor Expressions:
5-22-2014 1-24-41 PM3. Recommended Posture (pose) vs. poor Posture (pose):
5-22-2014 1-24-59 PM5-22-2014 1-25-17 PMNote: 
During enrollment and verification, try to have a relaxed unstrained face expression and stand upright.



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